I can say without any hesitation that the Windows system is the most perfect system of all operating systems in this day it is suitable for all the various specializations so that you can use in your business through professional programs supported by the distinctive and tools it provides, you can also use it for entertainment and games being offers a lot of tools to support the games and strengthen their performance nicely in addition to support for many different the hardware devices that give him more power and options, unfortunately there is nothing full therefore appear from time to time security gaps threaten this system which calls for the company's fast and accurate work to launch the patch to repair these gaps quickly and before you get any of its users to any problem, whether because of the loss of data or even problems Hardware.

1. this Security  gap based on Adobe Flash and that Google has launched its own patch in the new version you can start to do, dear reader, updated or deleted once and for all and get it again from the Adobe site.

2. If you are using Windows 10 system you should  to get  the latest version of the browser Google Chrome  or Edge includes protection from this vulnerability.

3. For users of Windows 10 also can activate the feature ( ATP)Advanced Threat Protection  in Windows Defender, As for previous versions of Windows users, they can wait until the launch of the company for repair or update to Windows 10.

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