
Android Lollipop: apps restarting in the background :

There is a bug that restarts apps in the background in the first version of Android 5.0, but not with the 5.1 update. Even apps with persistent notifications in the status bar are affected by this scourge. The only way to solve this problem is to restart the phone, which is a temporary solution, or update your phone to a newer Android version, for a permanent solution.

Android Lollipop: missing "system.img" error message :
This is a seriously dismaying issue, but it's fixable, I assure you. Before you can use Lollipop on your device, you get this error message, "Missing system.img". When it was still on this version of Android, the Nexus 5 had also experienced this major problem, which can occur during the flash of an installation image with version of 5.0. To solve the issue, you simply need to flash the installation files one by one manually, instead of using the automatic command "flash-all.bat"

Android Lollipop: performance problems 
For most people, updating to Android Lollipop has made their hardware happier, their teeth whiter and their days just dandy. But some users have encountered a range of issues, including freezes, crashes, stutter and lag. In-place upgrades can be the cause of that.  Installing updates on top of updates on top of updates can eventually cause problems, so a factory reset might be on the cards, but first look at your apps to check they’ve been updated to Lollipop. As with any performance issues, try switching off anything you don’t need to see if you can identify a specific cause.

Android Lollipop: flashlight bug 
If you leave the flashlight on for a while, for example when you're struggling to find your keys in the dark, and it automatically times out, then the flashlight will be busted until you do a reboot. This is pretty weird but it occurred in the developer previews too.  It's odd that Google didn't bother to iron this one out, as it's a pretty well-known issue on the Nexus 5 already

Android Lollipop: camera bug
 Users have reported that their camera stops working after the Lollipop update – in some cases, this means that the icon to select the front-facing camera is no longer even there. To solve this, try deleting your Camera app's data.  This won't delete any of your photos, just your existing camera settings. Go to Settings > Apps > All > Camera and tap Clear data. If this doesn't work, try disabling it and then enabling it in the same menu.

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